General Run Information

Here’s a description of a typical day run with the 4-Players: You sign-up to attend a Run on our website. Our Run Leader(s) prepare for the run and meet you at the rally point at the designated time. Once everyone has assembled, the Run Leader goes through the scenario for the day, including trail needs and driving challenges. We head to the trailhead as a group, and then have loads of fun driving through and exploring the area. We typically take several short breaks along the way, and often eat lunch at a picturesque location near the trail. Once the trail is done, everyone regroups and decides if there are after-the-trail food or sundries, or perhaps a different way back to the city. Take look below at what our Run Leaders and you do while on the trails with us.

Run Leaders

Run Leaders are assigned to each of our runs. They are responsible for planning and leading the run for those who’ve signed up. Here’s a quick list of their duties.

Run Prep

  • Determine the day, meet-up location and time of the Run.
  • Provide Run Info to Webmaster for posting on this website.
  • Gather and study trail maps.
  • Contact the local Ranger for current trail conditions.
  • Study the area, history, obstacles, points of interests and determine side trips.
  • Talk to other past Run Leaders about the trail.
  • Download the list of attendees from this website using the Run Leader tool.
  • Evaluate the expected weather for the day of the run.

On the Run

  • Check-in attendees and guests, get rig count, and do introductions.
  • Note any special needs by any of the attendees.
  • Outline the path, stops, obstacles and the lunch spot.
  • Discuss all obstacles and rig limitations of the trail.
  • Manage trail safety and rig assistance.
  • Ensure that the Run Leader and the last rig have working radios.
  • Manage breakdowns or emergencies.
  • No one is ever left behind or alone. Ever.
  • Submit Run Report and photos using website tools.


Runs are intended to take you to amazing spots in our area, challenge your driving skills, and provide some outdoor off-road fun. As a run attendee, you have responsibilities to the Run Leader and other attendees. Here’s a quick list of your duties.

On the Run

  • Ensure your rig is properly maintained before embarking.
  • Carry food, water, and extra warm clothing.
  • Plan for emergencies by having an emergency or repair kit on the trail.
  • Carry a radio for communication.
  • Follow the leader: stay a close but safe distance from the rig in front of you.
  • Monitor the rig behind you. Slow down or stop if they fall out of your view. At hard turns, ensure the rig behind you follows the turn off.
  • Study the trail ahead of time.
  • Assist with breakdowns or emergencies.
  • Assist with obstacles or trail conditions.


Radios: We use two-way radios like the Midland GXT100VP4 or equivalent. We monitor channel 22 on the trail. (Very few members have CBs in their rigs, but that number is increasing.)

Repair Kit: Know what tools you’ll need for your rig to do basic trail repairs if you breakdown or get damaged. It takes time to build up these kits. Think ahead how you can fix a flat, tie up a loose/broken part, or ways to limp off the trail to a repair shop.

Emergency Kit: Include things like extra food, water, shelter, fire/warmth, maps, etc. It takes time to build up these kits. Think ahead how you’ll handle a late-into-the-night repair with yet 20 miles of off-road before reaching pavement.

Where We Meet Up

Each run will designate a meet-up location and time.

Want to Come Along?

No 4x4 Vehicle? That's okay! Our members commonly have space for ride-alongs and it’s a great way to be immersed in nature and meet some of the guys in the club. Sign-up for an account.

Have a Rig? Let's go! Our Run Leaders are experienced off-roaders. It’s safer to hit the trails with a group. Pack a lunch and/or your dog and let’s get out there. Create an account to get started.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for more information.